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Concrete Mixing Bucket

Concrete mixing bucket is a handy tool when you need to make concrete without electricity or when you need to transport or lift the concrete to a place hard to access. The bucket is equipped with a screw shaft and a guard grill on the bucket. Available in two sizes: a 210 l capacity bucket (two versions: emptying from the bottom hatch in the middle of the bucket, or on the left of the bucket), and a larger 320 l concrete mixing bucket, intended for 700 and 800 series, is now available. It is equipped with emptying in the middle of the bucket. Hatch opening is powered by a hydraulic cylinder controlled with an electric directional valve, operation from driver’s seat with an electric switch.

The bucket is also equipped with a flexible 1350 mm emptying tube which mounts on the bottom
hatch. This enables pouring of the concrete further away from the bucket.

  • Easy and efficient way to make concrete in places where electricity is not available
  • The mixed concrete is easy and effortless to transport and pour into desired place
  • Self loading – sand can be taken to the bucket directly from the pile
  • Concrete can be poured to over 2 m height

500, 600, 700, 800 & R Series

Total width1490 mm1700 mm
Screw shaft diameter400 mm480 mm
Volume210 l320 l
Empty weight299 kg420 kg
Weight at max. capacity794 kg1188 kg
Unloading hatch diameter180 mm180 mm
Emptying tube length1350 mm1350 mm
Product no., emptying in the middleA36473A447861
Product no., emptying on the leftA37241
